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Student Competitions

A student paper may only be submitted to one student competition at the conference. The submission will be disqualified if the same paper is also submitted to another competition organized by a different EMI technical committee at the conference.

Student finalists will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for a by-invitation-only special collection on Journal of Engineering Mechanics (example from previous years:

EMI Computational Mechanics Student Poster Competition

Sponsored by: Sponsored by: EMI Computational Mechanics Committee (CMC)


  • Encourage student involvement in Computational Mechanics fields within EMI.
  • Expose students to Computational Mechanics research of other groups.
  • Facilitate interactions among faculty and students to build up strong networking and be ready to take on future responsibilities within the technical community.
  • Improve their technical writing and presentation skill, as well as to promote high-quality submissions to the flagship journal of EMI, the Journal of Engineering Mechanics.


  • Be the lead author of an abstract submitted to the EMI conference by the designated conference deadline and register to EMI 2025.
  • Be a full-time student at the time of abstract submission and the main contributor to the research.
  • Participate only in the CMC student competition. Participation in multiple competitions will automatically disqualify you from this competition.


  • March 15, 2025 – express interest to participate in the student competition by emailing Prof. Ravindra Duddu at [email protected]
  • May 15, 2025 (~2 weeks before the conference) – submit the poster as a PDF via email to the CMC Chair, Prof. Ravindra Duddu
  • May 28, 2025 – set up the printed poster (standard size: 4 ft high, 3 ft wide) on the poster boards at the conference and be present at the designated time. **You may only make some minor changes to the final poster after May 15, 2025.


  • Three to four participants will be selected as the CMC student poster competition winners and will receive a cash prize.
  • EMI will present student certificates as a separate student recognition event at our Domestic Conference. Certificates will no longer be distributed at the Banquet.


  • Judges from the CMC committee will go over all the posters and have a 5 minute Q&A session with each student presenter. The student is expected to be present at the designated poster presentation time.


Learn More-Computational Mechanics (.PDF)


EMI Dynamics Student Paper Competition

Sponsored by: EMI Dynamics Committee

The Dynamics Committee (DC) of ASCE-EMI is pleased to announce the 12th Annual Student Paper Competition in Dynamics. The competition is open to any student author of a contribution to the EMI 2025 conference developing and/or applying Dynamics methods to engineering problems. Students whose abstracts in this thematic area are accepted by the Conference, and retain their student status by April 1st 2025, are eligible for this paper competition.


  • To increase the involvement of younger professionals in the EMI conferences, particularly in the area of Dynamics.
  • To engage student members with the Dynamics Committee to promote further growth as engineers, develop working relationships with Dynamics Committee members, and be ready to take on future responsibilities within the technical community.
  • To improve students’ technical writing skill, as well as to promote high-quality submissions to the flagship journal of EMI, the Journal of Engineering Mechanics.


To be eligible for the competition, a participant should:

  • Submit an abstract as the leading author in the thematic area of Dynamics through the conference paper’s management system to the track of their choice by the corresponding conference deadline. Submission to a Dynamics Committee sponsored mini-symposium is particularly encouraged but not required. However, the topic of the abstract should fall within the auspices of the Dynamics Committee.
  • Send an email expressing interest in the competition to the Chair of the Judging Panel, Prof. Ioannis Kougioumtzoglou [email protected] by February 1st, 2025. Prof. Kougioumtzoglou will reply and provide the paper template by February 15th, 2025.
  • Forward the abstract acceptance notification within one week of receipt from the corresponding conference organizers.
  • Submit by email the PDF file of the full-length paper (up to four pages, template to be provided) to Prof. Ioannis Kougioumtzoglou [email protected] by March 15th, 2025. The student must write the paper as the leading author and should conduct the majority of the work associated with the manuscript. A verification letter from the faculty advisor is required at the submission of the full-length paper.
  • Be a student at the time of submission of the full-length paper.
  • Register and present the paper at the corresponding conference.

Additional Notes:

  • Several students and non-student (Advisor / Supervisor / Professor) co-authors can contribute in the paper, but the main/lead author should be a student at the time of submission of the full-length paper. The student participant(s) should conduct most of the work associated with the manuscript. Each student may submit only one paper to the competition as the leading author.
  • Other students can be included in the competition as co-authors, but the main/lead student author, if shortlisted, should present his/her work at the student competition session.
  • The student/applicant cannot participate to any other competition in EMI 2025. The paper used for the competition should not be used in the competition of another conference.
  • Student finalists will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for a by invitation- only special collection on Journal of Engineering Mechanics (example from previous years:

Process and Awards:

The submitted papers will be evaluated by a panel of expert judges. The dates and prizes of the student competition will be announced shortly. The competition will be held jointly for the participants of both conferences.


Learn More-Dynamics (.PDF)


EMI Fluid Dynamics Committee Student Paper Competition

Sponsored by: EMI Fluid Dynamics Committee

The ASCE EMI-Fluid Dynamics Committee is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual Student Paper Competition in Fluid Dynamics. The competition is open to any student author of a contribution to the EMI 2025 conference focusing on the physical understanding or modeling of fluid dynamics problems.


  • To increase the involvement of younger professionals in EMI conferences.
  • To engage student members with the Fluid Dynamics Committee and promote further growth as engineers, develop working relationships with committee members, and take on future responsibilities within the technical community.
  • To improve their technical writing and presentation skills and promote high-quality submissions to the flagship journal of EMI, the Journal of Engineering Mechanics.


To be eligible for the competition, a participant must:

  • Be a student at the time of submission and be the lead author of an abstract in general areas related to fluid dynamics submitted to the EMI abstract submission website by the conference abstract deadline. Submission to a Fluid Dynamics Committee sponsored mini-symposium is encouraged.
  • Express interest in participating in the competition by sending an email with the abstract number, authors, and affiliations to Prof. Marco Giometto, [email protected] and copy Prof. Teng Wu, [email protected] by February 15th, 2025. Prof. Giometto will reply and provide the paper template by March 1st, 2024.
  • Forward the abstract acceptance notification within one week of receipt from the organizers.
  • Submit by email a PDF file of the full-length paper (up to 6 pages, template to be provided) to Prof. Marco Giometto, [email protected] by April 1st, 2025. The student must write the paper as the leading author and should conduct the majority of the work associated with the manuscript. Each student may submit only one paper to the competition as the leading author. A status verification letter from the faculty advisor should be sent along with the paper.

Process and Awards:

The submitted papers will be evaluated by a panel of expert judges. The date of the student competition will be announced shortly. The selected top papers will be presented by the student participants in a special session at the EMI conference, which will be in addition to the regular presentation within the conference.

Awards will consist of an EMI Certificate. Student finalists will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for a by-invitation-only special collection on Journal of Engineering Mechanics. Example from previous years:


  • December 1, 2024 - EMI Conference Abstracts submission deadline.
  • February 15, 2025 - Express interest in participating by emailing Prof. Giometto, [email protected]
  • April 1, 2025 - Full paper and advisor's verification letters due to Prof. Giometto, [email protected]

Learn More-Fluid Dynamics (.PDF)


EMI Machine Learning in Mechanics Student Paper Competition

Sponsored by: EMI Machine Learning in Mechanics


  • To foster active participation of emerging professionals in EMI conferences, specifically in fields at the intersection of Machine Learning and Mechanics.
  • To engage student members with the Machine Learning in Mechanics Committee to promote professional development, community bonds and prepare them to take on future responsibilities within the technical community.
  • To enhance technical writing and presentation skills while encouraging high-quality submissions to the flagship journals of EMI, such as Journal of Engineering Mechanics.
  • To promote code sharing and build best practices for code and data sharing within our community.


  • Be the lead author of an abstract submitted to the EMI conference by the designated conference deadline and register to EMI 2025.
  • Be a full-time student at the time of abstract submission and the main contributor to the research.
  • Participate only in the ML in Mechanics student competition. The submission will be disqualified if the same paper is also submitted to another competition organized by a different EMI technical committee at the conference.


  • December 1, 2024 - Abstract submission deadline (EMI abstract deadline).
  • March 1, 2025 - Express interest in participating by emailing Prof. Audrey Olivier, [email protected]
  • April 1, 2025 - Submit full paper to Prof. Audrey Olivier, [email protected]
    • The paper should be submitted in two versions (original with authors and affiliations, and an anonymized version without author details)
    • Both versions should be 4 pages max, excluding references, and follow the appropriate template
  • April 1, 2025 – Students who submit a paper are also encouraged, but not required, to share the code accompanying their paper, with a walk-through video (5 min max). The video should provide the viewer with an overall idea of what the code does, what is the novelty in the research and code, and how one can access and use the code (code sharing).


Tentatively three winners will be selected: two winners for best paper and one winner for best code, and will receive a certificate of commendation from the ML in Mechanics committee. The winners will be advertised on the committee’s website, in particular the video of the code winner will be shared (with their permission), providing a platform for dissemination of the student winners’ research.

Student finalists will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for a by-invitation- only special collection on Journal of Engineering Mechanics (example from previous years: ).


For the paper competition:

  • A committee of expert judges from the ML in Mechanics committee will review anonymized manuscripts. The review process will be double-blinded. The reviewers shall not have conflict of interest with the submissions.
  • The panel will select top papers (approximately 5 finalists) based on the review feedback.
  • The selected papers will be presented by student participants in the conference, date and location TBD.
  • Review committee will rank finalists, with input from ML in Mechanics committee members who are present at the special session and are not co- authors of the selected top papers. 

For the code sharing competition:

  • Expert judges will review the videos and provide feedback. The review process for the videos will be separated from the review process of the papers (either different judges, or judging will happen later in time), to preserve anonymity in the papers review process).
  • A single winner will be chosen directly based on the feedback.

The three final winners will be announced during the EMI conference at a student competition award ceremony.


Learn More-Machine Learning (.PDF)


EMI Modeling Inelasticity & Multiscale Behavior (MIMB) Committee Student Competition

Sponsored by: EMI Modeling Inelasticity & Multiscale Behavior (MIMB) Committee


  • Increase student involvement in the EMI conference, particularly in the area of modeling of inelasticity and multiscale behavior of materials and structures.
  • Expose students to relevant research from different groups.
  • Facilitate student interactions with faculty and other students to build up strong networking and be ready to take on future responsibilities within the technical community.
  • Improve student's technical writing and presentation skills, as well as promote high‐quality submissions to the flagship journal of the EMI: Journal of Engineering Mechanics.


  • Be a full-time student at the time of abstract submission and the main contributor to the research.
  • Submit an abstract as the leading author in the thematic area of MIMB to the EMI conference website by the deadline indicated. Submission to the MIMB sponsored mini-symposia is strongly encouraged but not required.
  • Participate only in the MIMB student paper competition. Participation in multiple competitions will automatically disqualify you from this competition.
  • Express interest in participating in the paper competition by emailing Prof. Leong Hien Poh, [email protected] by 15 Feb 2025. He will reply and provide the paper template.
  • Submit an extended abstract (max 4 pages) to Prof. Leong Hien Poh, [email protected] by 31 Mar 2025. Provide your notification of abstract acceptance together with the submission.
  • Register for the conference, and if selected for the MIMB student paper competition, present the paper at the student competition session during the conference.


  • 15 Feb 2025 – Express interest to participate in the MIMB student paper competition.
  • 31 Mar 2025 – Submit extended abstract (max 4 pages) and abstract acceptance notification.
  • 10 May 2025 – Notification of final competition (if shortlisted).


Winners will receive a certificate during the conference.


  • The decision on final competition will be informed by 10 May 2025. Shortlisted candidates will give a ten-minutes presentation in a special session at the EMI Conference. Note that this will be a separate presentation in addition to the presentation scheduled in the regular EMI Conference program.
  • The papers and presentations will be judged by a panel of MIMB committee members.
  • Winners will be selected based on both the quality of the paper and the oral presentation.
  • Student finalists will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for a by invitation- only special collection on Journal of Engineering Mechanics (example from previous years: ).

Learn More-MIMB (.PDF)


EMI Probabilistic Methods Committee Student Paper Competition

Sponsored by: EMI Probabilistic Methods Committee (PMC)


  • To increase the involvement of younger professionals in the EMI/PMC conferences, particularly in the area of probabilistic methods.
  • To engage student members with the PMC to promote further growth as engineers, develop working relationships with PMC members, and be ready to take on future responsibilities within the technical community.
  • To improve their technical writing skill, as well as to promote high-quality submissions to the flagship journal of EMI, the Journal of Engineering Mechanics.


  • Be the lead author to submit an abstract to the EMI Conference through the EMI abstract submission website, by December 1, 2024. Submission to a PMC-sponsored mini-symposium is particularly encouraged but not required.
  • Express interest in participating in the competition by emailing Prof. Gaofeng Jia, [email protected] by February 1, 2025. Prof. Jia will reply and provide the paper template.
  • Forward the abstract acceptance notification to Prof. Jia when provided by the conference organizers.
  • Submit a paper (maximum 4 pages) following the template provided, to Prof. Gaofeng Jia, [email protected] by March 15, 2025. The student must write the paper as the leading author and should conduct the majority of the work associated with the manuscript.
  • Be a student at the time of submission of the full-length paper.
  • Register and, if selected, present the paper in a special session at the EMI 2025 conference.


  • December 1, 2024 – abstract submission deadline.
  • February 1, 2025 – Express interest in participating by emailing Prof. Gaofeng Jia, [email protected]
  • March 15, 2025 - full-length paper due to Prof. Gaofeng Jia, [email protected]


  • Up to three winners will be selected and named as the PMC student paper competition winners.
  • A certificate will be awarded.


  • The top papers will be selected for presentation in a special session of the Conference. Note that this will be a second presentation, in addition to the presentation the student gives as part of the regular EMI Conference.
  • The papers and presentations will be judged by a panel of three judges selected from the PMC membership.
  • Winners will be selected based on both the quality of the paper and the oral presentation.

Invitation to submit a journal paper for finalists:

Contact: Prof. Gaofeng Jia, [email protected]

Learn More-PMC (.PDF)


EMI Poromechanics Student Paper Competition

Sponsored by: EMI Poromechanics Committee


  • The purpose of this student paper competition is to promote poromechanics research among a larger body of student groups to facilitate student interactions and networking at the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference, and to help students with improving their technical writing, as well as oral presentation skills. Participation by graduate students from any relevant engineering or scientific discipline is encouraged.


  • Be a full-time graduate student and lead author of the submitted research work.
  • Submit an abstract in the thematic area of poromechanics to the EMI abstract submission website by the conference deadline. Submissions to the mini-symposia that are related to poromechanics are encouraged but not required.
  • Participate only in the Poromechanics Student Paper Competition. Participation in multiple competitions will automatically disqualify the student from this competition.
  • Express the intent to participate in the paper competition by contacting Dr. Amin Mehrabian at [email protected] by February 17, 2025 to receive the short paper template.
  • Submit a short paper of the previously submitted abstract, along with a copy of the associated abstract acceptance notification by the EMI conference, to Dr. Mehrabian at [email protected] by March 17, 2025. Short papers do not need to follow a specific structure or template as long as the following formatting instructions are adhered with: (PDF file; maximum of three letter sized pages; 12 font size; 1” margins).
  • Register and, if selected, present the paper in a special session at the EMI 2025 conference


  • Dec 01, 2024 – EMI 2025 Abstract submission.
  • Feb 17, 2025 – Express the intent to participate in the poromechanics student paper competition.
  • Mar 17, 2025 - Full‐length (three letter pages max) paper and abstract acceptance notification.


  • One winner and one runner-up will be selected. They will receive a certificate and will be named as the Poromechanics student paper competition winners.


  • The decision on acceptance for the Poromechanics student paper competition will be announced by May 05, 2025.
  • The top five papers will be selected for a ten-minute presentation, followed by a 5-minute Q&A in a special session of the conference. Note that this will be a second presentation, in addition to the presentation the students (or their co-authors) may give as part of the regular EMI Conference sessions.
  • The papers and presentations will be judged by a panel of three judges selected by the organizing members of the poromechanics committee.
  • Winners will be selected based on both the paper quality (originality, intellectual merit, clarity and accuracy, as well as the writing style) and the oral presentation quality (command of the technical content, delivery and fluency, and presentation slides quality).
  • Student finalists will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for a by invitation- only special collection on Journal of Engineering Mechanics (example from previous years: )


  • Amin Mehrabian, Associate Professor, Penn State University +1 (814) 865-6892, [email protected]



EMI Structural Health Monitoring and Control Committee Student Paper Competition

Organized by: EMI Structural Health Monitoring and Control (SHMC) Committee

The ASCE EMI-Structural Health Monitoring and Control Committee is pleased to announce the Annual Student Paper Competition in the areas of structural health monitoring, system identification, smart materials and structures, and structural control.


  • To foster active participation of emerging professionals in EMI conferences, specifically in structural health monitoring and control.
  • To facilitate young professionals' interactions with SHMC committee members and each other, promoting professional development, community bonds, and leadership roles.
  • To enhance technical writing and presentation skills while encouraging high-quality submissions to the flagship journals of EMI, like Journal of Engineering Mechanics.


  • Participant must be a current student and lead author of an abstract in SHMC areas, including but not limited to structural health monitoring, system identification, smart materials and structures, and structural control.
  • One abstract can only be submitted to an EMI conference student competition. The submission will be disqualified if the same paper is also submitted to another competition organized by a different EMI technical committee at the conference.
  • Key dates for the authors:
    • The abstract must be submitted to the EMI website by December 1, 2024 - You will need to submit a formal EMI abstract to be eligible to attend the student competition.
    • Express interest by emailing Milad Mehrkash [email protected] with abstract details by March 1, 2025.
    • Submit a 4-page full paper following the SHMC template to Milad Mehrkash [email protected] by April 1, 2025.
  • The full paper must be submitted in two versions: original with authors and affiliations; anonymized version without author details.


  • December 1, 2024 - EMI abstract submission deadline.
  • March 1, 2025 - Express interest in participating by emailing Milad Mehrkash, [email protected]
  • April 1, 2025 - Submit both versions of the 4-page full paper to Milad Mehrkash, [email protected]


  • Three winners named SHMC Student Paper Competition Winners, each receiving a certificate of commendation and a cash award from the SHMC committee.


  • Expert judges from the SHMC committee will review anonymized manuscripts. The review process will be double-blinded. The reviewers shall not have conflict of interest with the submissions.
  • The panel will select top papers (approximately 5 finalists) based on the review feedback.
  • The selected papers will be presented by student participants in the conference, tentatively after the EMI SHMC committee meeting.
  • SHMC committee members, who are present at the special session and are not co­ authors of the selected top papers, will vote anonymously to rank the presentations.
  • The three final winners will be announced during the EMI conference, usually at the conference banquet.


Learn More-SHMC (.PDF)


EMI Structural Stability Student Paper Competition

Sponsored by: EMI Stability Committee


  • Increase student involvement in the EMI Conference, particularly in the area of Structural Stability
  • Expose students to research pertinent to classical and non-classical structural stability from different research groups
  • Facilitate student interactions with Professors, senior researchers as well as other students from the structural stability community in order to create a strong network and show willingness to take on future responsibilities within the community
  • Improve students’ technical writing and presentation skills, as well as promote high-quality submissions to EMI Journal of Engineering Mechanics


  • Be a full-time student at the time of abstract submission and the main contributor to the research.
  • Submit an abstract as the leading author in the Structural Stability Mini-Symposium of the Stability Committee, through the EMI Conference website, by December 1, 2024.
  • Participate only in the Stability Committee Student Competition. Participation in other EMI 2025 student competitions will automatically disqualify the candidate from the competition.
  • Express an interest to participate in the student competition by emailing Professor Hayder Rasheed at [email protected] by February 1st, 2025. You will receive a reply acknowledging receipt.
  • Submit an extended abstract including graphs and tables (up to 5 pages) to Professor Hayder Rasheed at [email protected] by March 1st, 2025. Formatting template will be individually provided by Professor Rasheed to student participants who expressed interest.
  • Register for the conference and if selected, present at the student competition, during the conference.


  • December 1, 2024: Abstract submission deadline to EMI 2025 website.
  • February 1, 2025: Expression of Interest for Stability Committee Student Paper Competition.
  • March 1, 2025: Submission of extended abstract to the EMI Stability Committee Student Paper Competition for early judging by the committee’s control group.


  • One winner and one Runner-Up will be selected. They will receive a certificate and be named as the Stability Student Paper Winner and Runner Up, respectively. In addition, student finalists will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for a by-invitation-only special collection on Journal of Engineering Mechanics (example from previous years: ).


  • The decision on acceptance for the competition will be communicated by April 1st, 2025
  • Students interested in the competition should be already registered for the conference and should have expressed interest by emailing Professor Rasheed by February 1, 2025 and submitted their extended abstract by March 1st, 2025 to Professor Rasheed
  • The student submissions will be judged during the month of March 2025
  • The extended abstracts will be judged by a panel of 5 judges from the Stability Committee
  • The winners will be selected based on the quality of the submitted extended abstracts and the finalists will be invited to present in the stability mini symposium of EMI 2025 to be held in Anaheim California


  • Contact: For more information contact the Committee Chair, Professor Hayder Rasheed at [email protected]


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